On Forms and ridable Companions


Glowing out of the creamy darkness the sculptures by Roland Reiter transform the space into a secret cabinet of wonder.
A ram-like creature - a hybrid of sheepskin and bike - remains frozen in vaulting above a bearskin.

We are located at the Garage at Brilliantengrund. A place where the passions of the hotel staff - Art, Fashion & Cycling – are getting together in different formats to engage in a dialogue.

Two massive conglomerates of skateboard decks are telling stories of past expeditions, a neon red helmet merges into a glowing match head while a small, stuffed bird is coquettishly presenting a straw in its beak.

Organic material and machine-made objects are morphing tremendously back and forth. Taking form at the junction of concepts of the body, energy and freedom the sculptures of Roland Reiter provide potential totems for a road conquering community.

Reiters works stand at the beginning of the quarterly exhibition series #ambriliantengrund which brings sculpture into focus on a quarterly basis.

Starting in autumn 2016 selected colleagues (Roman Pfeffer, Hans Schabus, among others) will be invited to follow up the discourse.

The exhibition was kindly supported by Festka, Enve, Campagnolo and Brooks.