For the uninitiated, listening to a Dummy playlist can be a transformative experience. Every mix is a microcosm of textures and vibrations; a world unto itself, unconcerned with galaxies far away, blissfully reverberating at it's own frequency. It's a rabbit-hole experience that sets you adrift to come back more whole and happy.
Our latest collaboration piece and final release of the year is here: the Dummy DDance Rain Jacket. The concept explores discovery as type drawn for a neo-futuristic remix of Japan and Greece — the fictional nation of DDance — and the garment features a mix of fabrics for waterproofing, breathability, and fit to keep you moving.
There's something about the right song at the right time. Just as it can transport you to another world, it can sink you deeper into this one. It captures the nuance beyond our words.
Ddancing in the rain. Stay positive.
Music helps.
Products: BBUC for DUMMY
Copy: Daniel Hutchinson
Photos: Ella